nothing, nada, zip, zilch....

with the classes and work normalizing, I have got some time to think about what , if anything I'm going to do with the rest of my summer...
hummmm... got it!
absolutely nothing...
for the longest time I believed that to be productive meant that youhad to be achieving some goal...reaching for some prize...running at full force towards something, that one thing, or a bunch of things.
not so.
sometimes nothing can be done, nothing has to be done.
nothing should be done.
being is as good a goal as anything else...enjoying things as they come, without judging or analysing...just being
okay. just being okay.
I'm okay today. the dark journey is far from over, but I have reached the oasis of okay, content in the fact that I have done all I can and now I wait.
wait to save the money for my car...
wait for the girls to come back home....
wait for Trout to move out...
wait for Jinge to cut his hair...(that made me giggle...tee hee)
wait patiently and enjoy being ok.
talk to you soon...
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