
...a world filled with depth of thought and simple (or complex) silliness...kids, men (loved and lost), school, work, play, politics, religion, anime (and hentai), cartoons and video games; private thoughts and public rants...welcome.

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Location: Austin, Texas, United States

A woman ahead of her time and for all time...I come before you strangely familiar...mother, former wife, friend, future wife, daughter...i shoot straight by way of riddles and can make boiling water a exercise of physics...carry a conversation from ed, edd and eddie to la blue girl, NFL to NRA, Jesus to Judas and everything in between. I'm an observer, and though I try not to judge I don't regret doing it...I listen with sincerity and very little shocks me...but many things surprise me. Let me entertain you, bored you, insult you, encourage you, make you laugh, make you think, make you cry, make you curse, and make you...well, let me tell you my story, a post at a time...

Friday, June 08, 2007

New ventures and Old friends....

Hello, All: Sique here with a plan to keep blogging...

but first a check you up:

-Moe has gotten herself in soo much trouble. she got suspended, got arrested for shoplifting, had to go to summer school, got her head shaved (for getting arrested), and decided that she's going to the drill team in high school and the Navy after that.

-Tae is trying to find where she fits in the world, and is having a problem fitting her role as a leader and is coming to terms with the fact that she needs to grow up. but nothing that includes the police.

-Jinge is working a very nice state contract and is moving in on March of 08. we are working on the Moe issue and have decided that we are going down the elise to the imperial march.

and lastly me... I have lost 20 pounds, about 8 semesters away from the bachelor's degree, and about to write a book...

...no really...

there are at least 4 series, yes series of books in my head right now, which is probably why I have such headaches...

not only that, but I think that I may even start a publishing company... a place where I can print my writings and my comics and and see it in print without having to plead to the powers that be "please, puuuleeeease print my book!" (Why don't I post on the web? Call me a dead tree snob, but I love to have the stuff in my hands, reading it away from the computer. That's reading.)

I'm with Apple Inc. now and I'm wondering what took me so long to apply with them. As with any company,to paraquote Grace Jones: it's not perfect, but it's perfect for me.

I have a full and busy summer ahead of me

--I have a series of short stories to write.
--I have to ride out the Mac learning curve.
--I have to make sure that Moe goes to summer school.
--I have to finish 6 classes.
--I have to sleep.
--I have to start writing you on a regular basis again.

...if nothing else, it will help me keep in touch with you and I'll get the writing in that I need.

I'll talk to you soon,