...my road dog, my partner and all around oldest child Moe is 12 today, a certified tweenager with an opinion on everything and a laugh that makes you want to giggle...
a few things about the worlds greatest 12 year old...
-she love video games and wants to be a programmer
-she calls her cat ,midnite, her son...
-she draws a manga strip called "mr. Lolly" (yes, that is the correct spelling) about the misadventures of a delicious lollipop...
-she is a award-winning baritone player
-she is a rabid reader and an insane Harry Potter fan...
-can eat your weight in ice cream...I say yours because she's already eaten hers...
-can cook a three course meal, and very well, tyvm....
-can burp the alphabet
she's a light and a cheerleader, a free sprit and a girl who will make you proud even if she screws up...
she is a joy and I hope I get another 12 of the years that I 've had so far...
I Luv you baby...HBH
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