
...a world filled with depth of thought and simple (or complex) silliness...kids, men (loved and lost), school, work, play, politics, religion, anime (and hentai), cartoons and video games; private thoughts and public rants...welcome.

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Location: Austin, Texas, United States

A woman ahead of her time and for all time...I come before you strangely familiar...mother, former wife, friend, future wife, daughter...i shoot straight by way of riddles and can make boiling water a exercise of physics...carry a conversation from ed, edd and eddie to la blue girl, NFL to NRA, Jesus to Judas and everything in between. I'm an observer, and though I try not to judge I don't regret doing it...I listen with sincerity and very little shocks me...but many things surprise me. Let me entertain you, bored you, insult you, encourage you, make you laugh, make you think, make you cry, make you curse, and make you...well, let me tell you my story, a post at a time...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

...mothers and daughters....

I'm someone's daughter....

now, I know that sounds quite painfully obvious, but let me explain...

for the longest time, I didn't think of myself in that way.

I thought myself abandoned, left to the side so my mom could stay in her house instead of have to work for a living...

or explain why my father was still there after what he did...

It wasn't until I had to make a choice, though not nearly has harmful, about how I would live my life...

as the contract with my county job ends, I find myself wondering about where the cable bill is coming from...

Trout, bless him, his voice eternal still roaring with the intensity of wishful thinking, called me after Tea gave him the news:

Trout: "why didn't you call me?, Why didn't you let me know?"

Sique: "because I knew that if I told you, you would ask to move back in, claiming to 'help' me by lifting the burdon of work while I finish school, but you'll constantly beg me to dump Jinge and have sex with you. right?"

Trout: "UHHHHH...but you DO need help." (Ladies and Gents please put your hands together for ManLogic....ManLogic, everybody!)

Sique: "No thanks"

but then....the allure of sleeping in, having time to do my homework, stay up late, cut up with the girls, work out....

...rent paid, bills paid no worries....

I can see where mom had the problem...security at high cost vs. the right thing and have to worry.

but I know better.

I know that cost.

and it's too much

and I can't hide behind "the well being of the girls".

I have to stand ahead and make sure of it.

someone didn't learn that lesson until it was too late

but a lesson someone's daughter learned....

looking for a new job,


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